Christina Stokes
Dec 1, 2020
Laid Off and Out of Ideas — How to Get Back in the Game
My article for the November/December issue of PRSA Strategies & Tactics is now available. I recently participated as a guest speaker in...
Christina Stokes
May 1, 2020
Hiring During Uncertain Times
My article for the May issue of PRSA Strategies & Tactics is now available. At the time of this writing in March, the world is battling...
Christina Stokes
Jun 3, 2019
Developing a First-Rate LinkedIn Profile
My article for the June issue of PRSA Strategies & Tactics is now available. Searching for a new career opportunity in public relations...
Christina Stokes
May 7, 2015
Developing Your Personal Brand
The harsh reality is that PR is a competitive field (any field is, when you're just getting started). Before you can jump into an...