The Importance of Self-Reflection and Goal Setting in a Job Search
My article for the August 2023 issue of PRSA Strategies & Tactics is available: The Importance of Self-Reflection and Goal Setting in a Job Search.
If you have ever found yourself in the position of looking for a new job in the PR profession, then you already know that launching a job search requires careful planning and a proactive approach. During the process, you will experience both wins and losses.
In the beginning of your search, self-reflection and goal setting are crucial steps that you do not want to gloss over. Self-reflection involves closely examining your thoughts, feelings and experiences. This is a big opportunity for you to experience a significant amount of professional and personal growth. So, before you dive into the deep end and begin updating your résumé, drafting a cover letter, refining your online presence and applying to jobs, pump the breaks for a moment. You must take the time to focus inwardly. You can approach self-reflection in many ways, such as talking with a trusted confidant or journaling, for starters.
When you do this, focus on “what” and “why” questions — this keeps you objective and gets to the root of it all. Read more here.